What to expect?

Science Hack Day Vilnius follows the example of other Science Hack Days throughout the world. Just check out some of our friends’ events to get a taste!



Check out our Quick how-to guide: from pitch to presentation, for Science Hack Day.



Equipment on site:

If there’s anything else you need or are wondering about – or just drop us an email & we’ll advise!


  • CNC frezavimo staklės / CNC mill (530x520x120*mm)

Biolabo įranga / Biolab equipment:

  • Orbitalinė kratyklė/Orbital shaker
  • Mikrobiologinis termostatas 27-45C /Microbiological thermostat 27-45C
  • Autoklavas/Steam sterilizer
  • Šviesiniai mikroskopai/Brightfield microscopes
  • Automatiniai dozatoriai/Pipettor set
  • Kolonėlės chromatografijai įranga/Columns for chromatography
  • Centrifuga/Centrifuge


  • Janome Harmony 2039 siuvimo mašina | sewing machine

Keramika / Ceramics:

  • Keramikos krosnelė / Cone 6 ceramics kiln

Elektronikos laboratorija / Electronics lab:

  • Hameg HM 605, Rigol DS1054Z osciloskopai / oscilloscopes
  • 5+ litavimo stotelės / soldering stations
  • Atten 858D išlitavimo stotelė / hot air reflow station
  • MC Power, Owon ODP3032 laboratoriniai maitinimo šaltiniai / benchtop power supply
  • Keithley 177 multimetras / multimeter
  • 2 3D printers
  • Tabletop laser cutter

Metalo dirbtuvės/ Metal workshop:

  • TIG, MIG, lanko suvirinimo aparatai / TIG, MIG, Arc welders
  • gręžimo staklės / drill press
  • kampiniai šlifuokliai / angle grinders
  • juostinis metalo pjūklas / band saw
  • rankinis plazminio pjovimo įrenginys / hand-held plasma cutter
  • kiti įrankiai / other tools

Medžio dirbtuvės / Wood workshop:

  • Skersavimo staklės / compound sliding miter saw
  • obliavimo staklės / planer
  • rankinis frezeris / hand-held router
  • kiti rankiniai įrankiai / a variety of hand-held tools


  • Šilkografijos įranga (UV spinta, presas, reikmenys) / silkscreening equipment (UV lights, press, supplies)


  • Dobot roboto ranka (https://jpg.lt/dobot-robotizuota-ranka)
  • ODrive servo variklių kontroleris / servo motor controller


Overnight For Participants:

There is no official space to sleep at Technarium, although you can stay working pretty late or overnight, as long as you check in with one of the mentors and they allow you to stay.

Otherwise, please let us know if you need a hand finding a place for the night! We can’t guarantee anything, but we may help you find a place to crash.


  • Will participants be able to come and go during the event?

YES! Of course – just hold on to your badge and you will be able to come and go as you please.

  • Can participants stay overnight to work?

Yes, but do make sure to check in with one of the mentors if you do. It is not recommended to crash at the venue – please check out Overnight for participants section.

  • Do we need to bring our own materials/components or equipment for our projects?

We will provide some of the basic building materials & components, but you should bring your own if you already know what you will need, and have those at hand. Check out Equipment on site section for the main equipment that will be available during the event.

  • I don’t have a clear project idea yet. Is that a problem?

Not at all! You have time until the event itself to come up with hacks you’d like to do, and if that doesn’t happen you’ll still be able to choose your favorite idea and join a team from of all the pitches at the opening of the event.

  • I don’t have any technical skills for building/programming things. Is that a problem?

Not a all! There will be plenty of participants and mentors with a range of skills to help you and your team out during the event, so that is nothing to worry about!

  • Is there a specific hardware or software focus of the event?

Nope! Everything goes – as long as it’s got something fun or serious to do with science!

  • How do I pitch my idea & form a team? 

Check out our guide to everything here: http://vilnius.sciencehackday.org/2017/02/10/how-to/

  • How do demos work? Is the event public?

You will present the prototypes you & your team created at the closing of the event, followed by an awards ceremony, both of which are open to the public! Check out some tips about presenting your final hacks here: http://vilnius.sciencehackday.org/2017/02/10/how-to/